It’s took me a long time to post more. Because the work I am doing at the nursing school keeps me busy.
I wanted to start this short update by thanking all my friends and brothers in God and all team that had supported us after the earthquake. Your prayers, your presence with us were a symbol of “love”. I don’t want to list cause I may forget, but since the first day after the earthquake until now, there are some names I can’t forget: Ms Michel, who helps us since the first day after the earthquake. She is an amazing nurse. "Under the sun, in the ground, between these populations of black people, it's easy to distinguish, this only white lady, taking care, with an inestimable energy and passion of the poor Haitians; it was Michel. A nurse who came from Montana in Haiti that day to teach the student at the nursing school" she belongs to a nursing foundation: “Nurses for nurses”. One day I was working with the patients when one helicopter comes down at the nursing school. It was a US marines helicopter, inside was: My sister Alcie, a register nurse who live in the states; leaving her husband, kids and work, to come down in Haiti, her own country to help her people. After I saw Tim Bristol my friend and brother in Christ, who supports me a lot, He has a PHD in Nursing and Education. He plans the trip and brings with him my sister, Alcie; a nurse student, my girl friend, Lisa Richards, she is an amazing girl, and I am proud of her and also lucky to have her by my side. We have a big plan for Haiti; and my friend, the brave man, Dr. Craig, an orthopedist; He was the first orthopedic doctor we had working with us, I was happy to work by his side. He is very organized and works with professionalism. And I work with many doctors and Nurses and non medic people. We loved and love what our work. I can’t make the list of all of them:
* Doctors, Nurses and others,
o Michele S., RN
o Tim B, PHD, nursing
o Craig D. MD, Ortho.
o Dean, V., RN
o Alcie J., RN
o Lisa R. RN'S
o Marc, MD.
o Jim, MD.
o Chain, Medic
o Deb, MD
o Christ B. MD.
o Craig H.,MD.
o Lori S., RN.
o Tom F., RN
o Carolyn, Log
o Christ MD
o Sean, Notre Dame
o Chris B. , MD
o Tamy, 3RN
o Mr.& Ms. Fenelon, RN both
o Preston MD, Urologist
o Dan S., Economy
o John, Past
o Jodel
o Sue
o Churc, MD
o M. Echhorn, RN.
o Jhon G, Emergency M.
o Amy W. EM.
o Josh W.EM.
o Dan W., EM.
o Nahan H.
o Chrirt B., EM.
o Dona, RN.
o Emmy B.,RN
o Serge D., RN.
o Stephanie M., RN
o Dean V., RN.
o Brian, RN.
o Sheryl, RN.
o Carol G., RN.
o Rocco, MD, Plast.
o Kelly, ER, Nurse.
o Neuman, Anhest.
o Cindy B., Anhest.
o Towle D., Anhest.
o Power C., Anhest.
o Waterrer R, Anhest.
o Cross P., Anhest.
o Jeff W., Anhest.
o Jhon G., Anhest.
o Bob Y., Anhest.
o Bruce K., Anhest.
o Brett H. MD., Ped.
o Christ Mc. C., MD, OBGYN
o Anne M. B., MD. , OBGYN.
o John G.,ICU.
o Beth, Pharm.
o Christ B., Pharm
o Nate H.,Pharm.
o Lisa, Pharm.
o Shean C., Medic
o Brett M., Medic
o Matt, Medic
o Bill J., Medic
o Mehrdad, Medic
o Tyler, Medic.
* Japanese team
o Hatanaca, MD
o Otomo,; JCA team,
o Sachiko, RJ
o Satima, RN
o Capt. Miura,Jp. Military
o Cap. Rebecca
o Capt. Jay
o Major Wills C.
o Pierre L.
o Pascal
o Howard
o Tim
o ...
* The MSF (Doctor without Borders)
* the save the Children
* many others…
And lot of other people That I love so much, But I don’t have time memorized them name but not forget them. Because they are living in my heart, and some time it's give me a very sad feeling to think about all of them.
If they are ready these lines. Please know that I can’t forget all of you for precious work you did in Haiti after the earth of the January 12 2010. God will be with you and will use people to help you in your life like He used you at this time to help other peoples.
I always thank God for that blessing. It's the biggest girf that I could find by being using by the lord, our lord.
Today, like many other days, I was going on mobile with a team, they wanted to know what the mobile looks like. We went to a place called “Brach" 20 mns from the main city of Léogâne by car. We saw about 90 people. It’s Sunday, I planned this mobile with one pastor from the area. Fleury orphanage’s pastor. The people went to church in the morning and stay after waiting for the clinic.
The health condition is a little better now in Haiti. But we still have to work one the system of maintenance; I mean how can we keep the people more healthy in Haiti? We need to work on sanitation, infrastructure and Education. It’s something that we can do.
Today the most cases we found were many patients with H-Pillory and Vaginal infection. About 65% of the population asked drugs for these illnesses. We also dress some wounds and drained some abscesses. The day was fine. We went home by 5 am. Tomorrow we are planning a big M. clinic. We are going to St. Etienne, 13 kilometers up to the mountains in jacmel’s road. We may have several doctors, nurses, nurse students and a nurse practitioner. Dr. Emilie, one of the doctor we have, left Haiti, a week ago after the earthquake, just come back today ad will be excited to go with us.
Other News, now it’s raining and last night, a couple nights before tonight, it was raining a lot and the water came in my tent. I was obliged to leave my tent and go outside in the rain to put a tarp into it, and I fell asleep vey late. I was not the only on that lived that situation at the Nursing School or in Léogâne.
The rain season is really close. We need to figure out what to do.
With the rain, we will have:
* water in the tent
* Water in the road
* Mud in the streets
* proliferation of mosquitoes
= fever (Dengue- Malaria- Filariasis ...)
And more others problems and illness...
I think and also know that God will do something.
We are still living at Hilda’s property at the nursing school and she is still taking good care of us. I am not sure about the future, what I know is that we need to pray for Haiti.
Hope I could post more soon
Rigan.... I think about you EVERY day man... every single day... Sue and I are coming back on June 9th. Don't give up and stay strong and know that we're praying for you and doing everything we can to help while we're here in Denver